
17. Tuesday, September 23, 2008

i'm completely worn out...physically and mentally.

we took micah to the doctor on sunday after running high fever and coughing all weekend. turns out in addition to some type of upper respiratory infection, he has pink eye...in BOTH eyes. with his four prescriptions a day....he's feeling a lot better, but is still not himself. he's still running a little fever and is still coughing...a LOT!! needless to say, i had to reschedule his eye doctor appointment that was previously scheduled for today. he'll now go on october 15th.

paxton came home from school today with one of his fingers really swollen and turning many different shades of white, blue, purple and black. apparently during recess, he and some friends from his class were playing football....the football was thrown to him and hit him right at the knuckle of his ring finger on his left hand. he said it hurt some...but he still insisted on playing in his soccer game at 6:00pm tonight. soooo, we buddy-taped it and let him play. (his team won 9-1...and he scored one of those goals!!!) after the game we took the tape off and looked at it again...it looked a lot worse. so we ended up in the doctor's office....he fractured it!!! he'll be in a splint for about 4 to 6 weeks. :( by the time we got back home tonight, it was hurting a lot worse. the splint is really uncomfortable...but at least it's his left hand (he's right handed...except for swinging a baseball bat and golf club...which he won't be doing over the next 4 to 6 weeks!).

sometimes it really just seems like too much. but then i'm quickly reminded...while i don't necessarily deserve any of this...i definitely don't deserve any better than this. jesus suffered much worse than all that i'm going through...and He did it for me...He loves me that much! i'm also reminded of Job and the many trials he faced...mine pale in comparison. God is good. He is faithful to those who are faithful to Him. He loves me, Paxton, Micah and Philip...He knows right where we are. He will not leave us nor forsake us...He hasn't forgotten us and He will bring us out of all of this...in His timing.

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