
31. Saturday, May 23, 2009

school is out!!! whoo hoo!! it has been a crazy couple of weeks....numerous award ceremonies, class parties, concerts, and more! it has been an emotional week for me...my "baby" will be moving on to kindergarten next year and my "bigger baby" is moving from elementary school to "intermediate school" (a new harris county thing....5th & 6th graders will be at Creekside Intermediate School...middle school will now be 7th & 8th graders only). They are growing up so fast!!! :( Please, Lord...slow time down...just a little!!! ;)

My shoulder is continuing to heal, rather slowly it seems, but it is getting some better. I'm still going to physical therapy twice a week (and will be for at least 8 more weeks, then once a week for several weeks after that). I know it has only been 4 weeks, but I'm still surprised at how much pain I'm having. Hoping and praying that it will get better SOON!!

Please keep Paxton in your prayers. He was diagnosed a couple of years ago as being in a "pre-glaucoma state." He has to go every 6 months for tests to make sure there haven't been any changes in his vision and in the pressure in his eyes. Lately his right eye has been bothering him a lot. For a few months now, he has complained that it "feels funny." This past Tuesday he went for his normal 6 month check and the doc mentioned the pressure in his right eye was a LITTLE higher, but was still in the normal range. His vision and visual field tests (checks peripheral vision) were also a little lower in his right eye. Combined with him complaining about his right eye, we're a little concerned. His doctor said it is ok for now, but that we'll keep a close watch on it, and do some more tests in another 6 months. We're praying that there will be no more changes...unless for the better :) ....thank you for agreeing with us in prayer for Paxton! His asthma has also been worse than normal lately. He's had to use his rescue inhaler 3 or 4 times a day, every day for the past week or two. :( On a positive note, his stomach seems to be doing well right now!! Mostly good days, PRAISE THE LORD!!!

Micah is beginning to complain more and more about his stomach. He told me recently that his "tummy hurts like the pizza kind of hurt." :( starting to wonder if he may also be lactose intolerant like Paxton. He also has pretty bad acid reflux, which he has taken medicine for since he was a few weeks old...and pizza can definitely aggrevate reflux. It is really hard to adjust the diet of a 5 year old....especially a REALLY PICKY 5 year old...I would greatly appreciate your prayers for his little tummy and wisdom for Philip and I as we try to pick foods that will be better for his tummy, but are foods that he will actually EAT!!

I've had several flare ups with my Lupus recently, but I'm managing....God continues to give me the strength to carry on each day. I'm overwhelmed and amazed by His outpouring of love, mercy, grace, healing, blessings and strength in my life. I will continue to shout His praises - God is great and greatly to be praised!! When my body is weak, my soul and voice continue to be strong...I will NOT let a ROCK CRY OUT in MY place!!! I'm gonna shout for Jesus as long as I have breath!!

Thank you for your love, support, encouragement and especially your prayers!!