
38. April 14, 2010

The Lord is good...He is strong and mighty....His outstretched hand reaches me in the depths of my needs. He is ever present, ever patient and ever faithful!! HALLELUJAH!!

Due to some complications I have been having the last few weeks, my neurologist at Emory believes my Intracranial pressure is elevated again from a flare up of my Pseudo Tumor Cerebri (the illness I was diagnosed with during my pregnancy with Micah in 2003). I spent over 8 hours in the ER here in Columbus last night. They were able to relieve some of my severe headache by giving me pain meds via IV (which is ALWAYS a last resort for me, and even with the pain I was in last night the doc nearly twisted my arm to take them after I refused!).

I will have to go to my neurologist at Emory tomorrow
(Thursday, April 16th) to go through yet another lumbar puncture (spinal tap)...

This will be my 10th (or 11th??) spinal tap in the last 6 or 7 years (the first 7 LP's were during the last 4 months of my pregnancy with Micah!!)

I KNOW that I am in HIS HANDS and HE WILL SUSTAIN me. With that being said, it is a difficult process and has difficult side effects. I greatly appreciate your prayers!

I will keep you posted!!
Love and blessings, Michelle

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