
19. Tuesday, October 14, 2008

just a quick update....

paxton will have his endoscopy & colonoscopy next wednesday. please remember him in your prayers next week. he'll have some challenging days sunday, monday and tuesday in preparation for wednesday and will really need the strength of the Lord!!

philip and i are still planning our trip to jacksonville for my appointments at mayo clinic in november. i'm nervous, but excited about having a fresh, new team of doctors looking at my case.

on an exciting note....paxton had a really incredible experience last week. many of you know that paxton is a huge NASCAR fan....specifically a big Jimmie Johnson fan!! he got to go to a fan club breakfast in charlotte last thursday. they asked him to come early to be interviewed for a FOX news station there in charlotte. (here is a link where you can watch the segment... http://www.myfoxcharlotte.com/myfox/MyFox/pages/sidebar_video.jsp?contentId=7621609&version=1&locale=EN-US) when we arrived, kendra (a great friend we made in charlotte) met us in the parking lot with more good news!! paxton got to unveil Jimmie Johnson's 2009 car, which hadn't been seen by anyone (other that Jimmie and his people, of course!). paxton was beyond excited!! after being on tv, he was able to watch a pit crew practice. the guys were great to paxton. Greg Morin (Hendrick Motorsports Pit Crew Trainer) invited paxton to come over the fence with the guys. they let him change a tire...and then put him inside the practice car while they did a pit stop!! Greg let paxton keep three lugnuts from the tire he changed, and Mike Lingerfelt (Jimmie Johnson's front tire changer) gave paxton his gloves to keep. :) paxton was also able to meet Jimmie, take his picture with him and get a few things autographed. it was an incredible experience...one i'm sure he'll never forget!!! i have posted some pictures online at: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=57044&l=c7c1f&id=606151192

p.s. i have to thank my friend, cindi mixon, for driving paxton and i to charlotte (philip had a conference to go to for work), videoing everything throughout the day, and for having fun with us!! :) cindi...you're awesome!!

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